Its been a hard year to say the least!
When I think about our year, Its been tough! Its been a tough year for our home, our family, our friends and our country….So how do you be thankful in the year 2020? In such a crappy year? We focus on the Good and we focus on God because He is ALWAYS good. I find comfort and encouragement in that.
In a year that has been so hard for so many people I find myself sad, mad and overwhelmed. Have you felt like that this year?
I started out this year so annoyed by people saying how great it was going to be with comments like “It’s a new decade!” or “2020 is going to be the best year ever!” I thought to myself Why? What is so magical about it? Then as this shit show of a year unraveled, I realized that the above comments weren’t so bad, People were full of hope and excitement the new year would bring.
I feel like I have been all over the map with my emotions this year, I have broken it down by month.
A years worth of emotions
January – excited for a new year but also annoyed with the people I mentioned above.
February- Sad that Australia was burning up. Concerned about all our plans being interrupted by this stupid virus called Covid 19. Disappointed all our plans for the Spring were being canceled.
March-The first half happy because I got to travel to see my friend.
March -The second Half –scared, My MIL was on a ventilator fighting for her life, she had COVID 19. Uncertain, I had no idea what was going to happen to our country.
April- hopeful that the shut down of our country would flatten the curve and we could move forward with our lives.
May- devastated that our country was acting like a bunch of spoiled children throwing a fit, rioting and destroying peoples businesses. Angry we are so divided as a country, and there is so much hate!
June – angry, the same bad behavior was happening and worried because my FIL had an accident and broke his pelvis.
July- exhausted from all the bad news and from our country being a mess.
August- encouraged because at least our kids are going back to school!
September- furious, after a full Spring and Summer of being on a committee to figure out how to get our kids back in school safely, our school board voted to not go back.
October- Tired, Mopey and Discouraged for the past 10 months of one shit show after another.
BUT THEN GOD……November we started our bible study back up in person, and let me tell you we have only met 3 times and boy does it do this heart good to be back with our small group worshiping God.
How to be Thankful in year 2020
November –ENCOURAGED AND THANKFUL I’m encouraged because the bible tells us in 1 THESSALONIANS 5:9-11 9. For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. 11. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
I’m Thankful because the Lord tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
16. Be Joyful always 17. Pray Continually 18. Give Thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s Will for you in Christ Jesus.
So this is what I learned
Our Joy, our Prayers and our thankfulness should not fluctuate with our circumstances or our feelings. Obeying these 3 commandments often goes against our natural disposition when we make a conscious decision to do what God says, however, we will begin to see people and circumstances in a new perspective. When we do Gods will we will find it easier to be joyful and thankful.
I needed reminded of these things and I feel like I wasted almost a whole year being everything but JOYFUL, PRAYERFUL, and THANKFUL.
In Truth I have so much to be thankful for and Joyful about and through a whole lot of prayer I will have a new perspective on this year.
I’m Thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I’m Thankful for my family, friends and our small group we worship with. I’m Thankful for my career and my husbands career. I’m thankful for my family’s good health. I’m thankful for my community and my country. I’m Joyful this craptastic year is almost behind us and I’m prayerful for a better year next year, I pray for you my friend, I pray that you have a much better 2021 than this year was.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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