Meet the Designer
I have been a stay at home mom for the last 10 years, and while staying home with my girl was really important to us and we loved our time together, I felt restless in my home. The space felt overwhelming, and I didn't really love being in my home.
I had no clue where to start but the creative side of me was really needing to come out, so I started decorating my home. After all, that's where I spent most of my time.
We wanted a pretty home that reflected our personalities. But we were a single income family during a recession. There was no money to make things pretty. We were determined not to let a little thing like money get in our way, so we put aside $20.00 a week.
I would take my twenty bucks and hit the yard sales and thrift stores. It was a way I could add little touches to our home without breaking the bank, and it forced me to be very creative making the items nobody wanted beautiful AND functional. It might have been a good ol' fashioned scrubbing, it might be a coat or two of spray paint, it might even be thinking of a new purpose, for a tired old piece of junk. It was really fun, something magical started to happen!!
The feeling of being overwhelmed started to dissipate. Slowly, I transformed our home into a space we wanted to spend time and it had an energy of delight. That sounds corny but it is absolutely true. Our home has come a long way from where we started, and I continue to dream up new ways to curate the items in our home so that it’s telling OUR story !
I understand that sometimes decorating your home or office is the last thing on your priority list. Budget, time and lack of vision are all valid reasons but, a redesign can be budget-friendly and fast-ish. My job is to support you and help bring your vision to life.